The Perfect Start

Are you ready to explore the captivating universe of coffee?

Have you ever contemplated the remarkable journey your morning coffee takes, all the way from the lush tropics of South America to the comforting embrace of that flat white on your daily commute? Or why, no matter how hard you try, your trusty cafetiere brew consistently produces a bitter aftertaste? Welcome to Sunday Roast - a blog series aiming to unravel the mysteries of coffee and answer all caffeine-related conundrums.

Coffee is not just a drink, it’s a whole sensory experience; every cup is a perfect blend of art and science, bringing people together from every corner of the world. It’s our understanding and appreciation of the universal impact of coffee that is the reason we are starting this blog. Each week we will be uploading new articles covering a whole host of topics - from detailed, in-depth explanations of different brewing techniques, to offering a behind-the-scenes glimpse into a typical day at our buzzing roasting plant in Wembley.  

So, whether you’re a coffee aficionado, curious about the intricacies of the industry or simply have a thirst to learn something new, make a brew and read along as we explore the captivating universe of coffee. Our aim is to dig deep, unearth a wealth of knowledge, and pay tribute to the remarkable craft of this marvellous beverage.


Who is the Meletius coffee roaster?